
Showing posts from January, 2019
Feeling Angry,  Depressed,  Frustrated , Alone or Sad because Others cant Understand You or Ignore You??? Yes , it happens because people with sincere and soft hearts love too much and when they want the same for themselves then mostly the other side is Not capable of it. Thus it ends in being broken heart. Now how to get out of it..? You wont expect financial help from a poor person. Why?  Because, You already know he cant help You as he is already out of money. Similarly Love,  Care,  Understanding,  Respect and Sincerity are the greatest Wealths. Only less carry them. So when ever You feel down  Remember this "Allah made me special I am rich with the wealths which many dont have and if I expect something which other doesn't have,  I am hurting my own self" Try to have activities that include only yourself that is excercise,  hiking,  listening to music,  reading book,  cooking,  long drives etc. Then try to judge which activity made You really happy and st

Happy Life

We fail when we expect,  we grow when we create happiness in our own selves. Never forget you are the light. 💓